How to Use

Last updated: March 30, 2024

Generate Pros and Cons

  • Type “C” and click anywhere on the board.
  • Generate Pros and Cons - Step 1
  • Type your desired topic.
  • Generate Pros and Cons - Step 2
  • Press CMD + J and choose GENERATE PROS AND CONS.
  • Generate Pros and Cons - Step 3
  • Wait for the list of pros and cons to appear.
  • Generate Pros and Cons - Step 4
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Chat with YouTube

  • Copy the YouTube video’s link and paste it anywhere on the board.
  • Chat with YouTube - Step 1
  • Press CMD + J and choose SUMMARIZE.
  • Chat with YouTube - Step 2
  • Wait for the summary to be generated.
  • Chat with YouTube - Step 3
  • Feel free to chat with it or ask more questions by simply clicking CMD + J and CUSTOM PROMPT.
  • Chat with YouTube - Step 4
  • Type your question in the prompt field and click GENERATE.
  • Chat with YouTube - Step 5
  • It will give you an answer based on the video.
  • Chat with YouTube - Step 6
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Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF

  • Drag and drop the file/s anywhere on the board.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 1
  • Click on the file you want to work on.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 2
  • Press CMD + J and choose SUMMARIZE.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 3
  • Wait for the summary to appear.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 4
  • If you want to dig deeper, you can generate questions and answers out of the file. Simply hover over the text box and click GENERATE QUESTIONS.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 5
  • Wait for the questions to appear.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 6
  • You can click “generate answers” afterward. However, if you have your own question, you can ask any question through CUSTOM PROMPT.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 7
  • Click on the file.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 8
  • Press CMD + J and choose CUSTOM PROMPT.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 9
  • Type your question and click GENERATE and wait for the response to appear.
  • Chat with Microsoft Documents and PDF - Step 10
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Chat with Any Website

  • Paste the link to any website that you want to interact with anywhere on the board.
  • Chat with Any Website - Step 1
  • Press CMD + J and click SUMMARIZE.
  • Chat with Any Website - Step 2
  • It will show the summary of the website’s content.
  • Chat with Any Website - Step 3
  • If you have additional questions, simply press CMD + J and click CUSTOM PROMPT.
  • Chat with Any Website - Step 4
  • Type your question and click GENERATE.
  • Chat with Any Website - Step 5
  • It will show you the extracted information from the website that answers the question.
  • Chat with Any Website - Step 6
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Create Social Media Ads

  • Paste the picture of your product/s anywhere on the board.
  • Create Social Media Ads - Step 1
  • Create Social Media Ads - Step 2
  • Type your prompt in the image prompt field and click GENERATE.
  • Create Social Media Ads - Step 3
  • It will show you the photo it generated based on your prompt.
  • Create Social Media Ads - Step 4
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Doodle to Reality

  • Click on the pen icon in the toolbar.
  • Doodle to Reality - Step 1
  • Start doodling.
  • Doodle to Reality - Step 2
  • Once finished, highlight the whole doodle.
  • Doodle to Reality - Step 3
  • Press CMD + J and click SKETCH TO DOODLE
  • Doodle to Reality - Step 4
  • Type your prompt in the prompt field and click GENERATE.
  • Doodle to Reality - Step 5
  • Wait for it to show you the result.
  • Doodle to Reality - Step 6
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AI Interior Designs

  • Drag and drop a photo of the room/area you wish to improve.
  • AI Interior Designs - Step 1
  • AI Interior Designs - Step 2
  • Type your prompt in the image prompt field and click GENERATE.
  • AI Interior Designs - Step 3
  • Wait for it to show the result.
  • AI Interior Designs - Step 4
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Generate Images

  • Click anywhere on the board. Press CMD + J and click GENERATE IMAGES.
  • Generate Images - Step 1
  • Type your prompt and click GENERATE.
  • Generate Images - Step 2
  • Wait for it to show the result.
  • Generate Images - Step 3
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Real-Time Collaboration

  • Click SHARE.
  • Real-Time Collaboration - Step 1
  • Type the collaborator’s email address.
  • Real-Time Collaboration - Step 2
  • Click INVITE. A link will automatically be copied to your clipboard. Send this link to the collaborator.
  • Real-Time Collaboration - Step 3
  • You can now see 2 users on the board, and you can also see what the collaborator is doing real-time.
  • Real-Time Collaboration - Step 4
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  • Drag and drop a video.
  • Captions - Step 1
  • Press CMD + J and click GENERATE CAPTIONS.
  • Captions - Step 2
  • Wait for the new video with captions to appear.
  • Captions - Step 3
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Video Insights

  • Drag and drop a video and it will show you the video insights and timeline.
  • Video Insights - Step 1
  • Here’s a closer look. Navigate and explore.
  • Video Insights - Step 2
  • Go to TIMELINE to see the transcription and navigate the video by clicking on the lines.
  • Video Insights - Step 3
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HTML Wireframe

  • Click on the pen tool to start sketching.
  • HTML Wireframe - Step 1
  • Draw your wireframe.
  • HTML Wireframe - Step 2
  • Highlight the whole sketch.
  • HTML Wireframe - Step 3
  • Press CMD + J and click WIREFRAME TO HTML AI.
  • HTML Wireframe - Step 4
  • Wait for it to show you the result.
  • HTML Wireframe - Step 5
  • Copy the code by clicking the copy button.
  • HTML Wireframe - Step 6
  • You can now use the code.
  • HTML Wireframe - Step 7
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Vision AI

  • Drag and drop a photo with the item (or something) you’re trying to identify.
  • Vision AI - Step 1
  • Click on the pen tool.
  • Vision AI - Step 2
  • Encircle the part of the picture that you’re trying to identify.
  • Vision AI - Step 3
  • Highlight the whole picture. Make sure to include the circle you created.
  • Vision AI - Step 4
  • Press CMD + J and click VISION AI.
  • Vision AI - Step 5
  • Type your question in the prompt field.
  • Vision AI - Step 6
  • Wait for it to answer your question.
  • Vision AI - Step 7
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Chat with an Audio File

  • Drag and drop an audio file.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 1
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 2
  • Wait for the transcription to appear.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 3
  • Click on the transcription, press CMD + J, and choose CUSTOM PROMPT.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 4
  • Type your question in the prompt field.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 5
  • Wait for it to answer your question.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 6
  • If you have a follow-up question, press CMD + J and choose CUSTOM PROMPT again.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 7
  • Type your question in the prompt field and click GENERATE.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 8
  • Wait for it to show the answer.
  • Chat with an Audio File - Step 9
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Ask AI to Create an Audio File

  • Press C and click anywhere on the board.
  • Ask AI to Create an Audio File - Step 1
  • Type the script.
  • Ask AI to Create an Audio File - Step 2
  • Press CMD + J and click GENERATE TEXT TO SPEECH.
  • Ask AI to Create an Audio File - Step 3
  • Wait for it to generate an audio file from the script you provided.
  • Ask AI to Create an Audio File - Step 4
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Compare AI

  • Drag and drop 2 photos.
  • Compare AI - Step 1
  • Highlight both photos.
  • Compare AI - Step 2
  • Press CMD + J, and click COMPARE WITH AI
  • Compare AI - Step 3
  • Type your question or prompt in the prompt field.
  • Compare AI - Step 4
  • Wait for it to answer your question.
  • Compare AI - Step 5
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Remove Background

  • Drag and drop a photo.
  • Remove Background - Step 1
  • Press CMD + J and click REMOVE BACKGROUND.
  • Remove Background - Step 2
  • Wait for it to show you the result.
  • Remove Background - Step 3
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Generate Music

  • Press CMD + J and click anywhere on the board.
  • Generate Music - Step 1
  • Type your prompt in the prompt field.
  • Generate Music - Step 2
  • Click GENERATE.
  • Generate Music - Step 3
  • Wait for the audio file to appear.
  • Generate Music - Step 4
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Generate AI Style

  • Drag and drop 2 photos.
  • Generate AI Style - Step 1
  • Press CMD + J and choose GENERATE AI STYLE.
  • Generate AI Style - Step 2
  • Wait for the photos to appear.
  • Generate AI Style - Step 3
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